Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Message Worth Reading

When I started with the whole idea of creating a blog I had several "goals" and "objectives" in mind. First, I wanted a place where I could share stories of people that inspire me to live the best life possible, chronicle the fun and laughter that we share with our children, and learn about International Adoption. I also wanted this blog to be a gift (of sorts) to baby Lauren. A way for her to look back over the last 12 months while we waited for her to be born and chosen for our family. I wanted her to know that she is in my thoughts every day; that not a moment goes by that I don't worry about her, and dream of the day we bring her home. In my heart I am already her mother.
When we began our journey towards adoption we were aware that the program is divided into NSN (non special needs) and SN (special needs) kids. The additional needs of SN children range from minimal in nature to more serious. The kids on the SN Program are truly amazing, resilient children, deserving of "forever families."
As we swamped through the paperwork, prepared our Dossier, and discussed the adoption as a family we felt that our lives could not really handle a child with special needs. Thinking back I believe we may have made that decision too hastily and were probably deterred by the unknown more than anything else. I've had plenty of time to research, read and learn about the SN Program and the wonderful children who are waiting. It is documented that 80% of children in orphanages in China are Waiting Children. A staggering number to say the least! I guess in hindsight I wonder if maybe we should've taken a leap of faith but in the moment of being overwhelmed by paperwork and decisions we chose to go with the NSN Program. Do I regret our decision? Absolutely NOT. Do I believe that there is another baby, perhaps with a SN that we are meant to parent. Absolutely YES, and only time will tell if our paths are meant to cross.
If you want to be truly inspired then I urge you to visit my favourite blog site. This family is truly an inspiration and excellent role model for what it means to "give back" to others and lead a life rich in family and morals. Enjoy.

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