Friday, March 28, 2008

A Great Website!

To those in blogger land, and especially those who are in the midst of a "journey to China" you are most likely familiar with the amazing Jen and Joe over at They do a great job of documenting the adoption process from the waiting period, through referral, to the trip to China, to returning home with baby.
I discovered their site, quite by accident, and have been hooked ever since! It's a fantastic way to experience what China is like, see the magic of families being created, and watch their little ones 'bloom" in front of our eyes. It has definately been a source of reassurance that this long road will be worth it in the end.
So to those friends and family who wonder "why" we are embarking on this journey; and to those who question "why" we would adopt when we could "just have more of our own" I invite you to visit this site, gaze into the eyes of the children that have found their forever families, and learn how a small gesture can make a world of difference in the life of a child.

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