Sunday, March 9, 2008

100 things about me........

First I thought I wouldn't bother trying to think of 100 witty and revealing things about myself, but a little self-evaluation is never a waste of time and opportunity presented itself so here goes:

  1. I've always known there was a baby waiting for me in China.
  2. I have an older brother who I rarely see.
  3. We are both adopted.
  4. I think adoption is an amazing way to grow a family!
  5. I have a weakness for chocolate chip cookie dough
  6. I have a gym membership, but easily get deterred from going.
  7. I LOVE to shop for my kids (Gymboree, Mexx, get the idea)
  8. I HATE shopping for myself.
  9. I avoid mirrors and generally dislike the way I look.
  10. I am the worrier of the family (money, kids, health)
  11. I am happiest when we are in a state of renovation, adoption, or some other huge life changing event.
  12. I get bored easily.
  13. Although my days are busy and full I am not challenged intellectually
  14. Not being challenged leaves me feeling unhappy.
  15. Sometimes I'm lonely.
  16. My husband is my best friend.
  17. I have 3 biological kids and one to join our family from China.
  18. I probably will want to adopt again.
  19. We live in a small house.
  20. We need a bigger house.
  21. We need more money to pay for above mentioned house.
  22. I LOVE to garden (cheaper than a therapist).
  23. I am extremly organized and Type A personality.
  24. I am creative.
  25. I am working on a novel that may never be finished.
  26. I write poetry for my children.
  27. I attended University and have a degree in English.
  28. I was accepted at Teachers College.
  29. I declined the offer of admission.
  30. I persued a career in Credit/Collections and Accounting.
  31. I am typically shy.
  32. Behind the desk or the telephone I am one agressive babe!
  33. I left my career to stay home with the kids 4 years ago.
  34. I opened a Home Daycare and currently care for 5 - 7 children every day (11 hours a day!)
  35. By Fridays I'm always exhausted.
  36. I wish I could nap more often.
  37. My favourite outing is a bookstore with a Starbucks attached.
  38. I LOVE to read.
  39. My idea of a perfect day would be a glass of wine, an awesome novel and the house to myself.
  40. It's never happened.
  41. I am petrified of flying....fear of crashing and leaving my children motherless.
  42. I am not looking forward to the flight to China with 3 kids in tow.
  43. I can't wait to go to China!
  44. I worry about the conditions that baby Lauren is living in.
  45. I worry that she will someday resent me for taking her from her country of birth.
  46. I am not looking forward to the flight home from China with 4 kids in tow.
  47. I am a really bad singer.
  48. I sing anyways!
  49. Sometimes my kids ask me to stop and suggest I turn the radio on.
  50. I married my high school sweetheart.
  51. We divorced.
  52. I married my soul mate and plan on being together till eternity.
  53. My parents have been married 51 years.....enough said.
  54. I get grumpy when I have to do all the cooking, and cleaning.
  55. My friends all say my house is spotless.
  56. I have more than 1 "junk drawer"
  57. It drives me crazy when there is sand on the hardwood floors and it sticks to my bare feet.
  58. My dream is to live in a log house....a big one.
  59. I want to be a "cool" grandma baking gingerbread cookies with my grandchildren someday.
  60. My hair is turning grey and the wrinkles are creeping in.
  61. I'm 36.
  62. My husband tells me I'm beautiful and he loves me everyday (this is no exageration).
  63. Wastefullness drives me when my kids ask for food and then only eat one bite.
  64. My goal is to raise my kids to think globally and act both globally and locally.
  65. We pick garbage out of ditches on Earth Day.
  66. It makes me feel good!
  67. I only have a few close friends.
  68. People that do not put effort into friendships are not worth my time or effort. Friendship has to be a 2-way street!
  69. I love to eat!
  70. When I was a kid we ate roast beef, mashed potatoes, veggies, and homemade rubbarb pie every Sunday night.
  71. Once, the gravy smelled so yummy I took a spoon and "stole" some from the bubbling pot and burnt my tongue so bad I couldn't taste anything for a week.
  72. I never told anyone.
  73. I used to hide my lunches in the ditch on the way to school so I wouldn't have to eat them.
  74. I have no idea why I would do that!
  75. My Dad is the hardest working person I know.
  76. I learned my work ethic from the example he set.
  77. Spring and Fall are my favourite seasons.
  78. I HAVE to walk in the woods on Thanksgiving weekend every's tradition.
  79. I'm learning Cantonese.
  80. I know what my mother-in-law is talking about when she speaks to my husband (well, most of the time).
  81. I know a little French.
  82. I'm too shy to try to use my husband talks for me when we travel.
  83. I wake up most mornings to a hot cup of Tim Hortons coffee waiting for me on the kitchen counter.
  84. I'm too lazy to use the coffee machine.
  85. I've been known to watch WWE wrestling on Friday night and then attempt to headlock my husband.
  86. He always laughs and then pins me!
  87. I grew up watching wrestling, playing checkers and eating pork rinds with my grandfather.
  88. He lived to be 90.
  89. I miss him.
  90. I have very little time for television.
  91. My one weakness is American Idol.
  92. My bets are on the guys this year!
  93. I restrict the amount of time my kids watch television and have access to the laptop.
  94. Sometimes I bend the rules.
  95. I feel incredibly lucky with my marriage, children, and place I am in my life.
  96. I never thought my life would be this good.
  97. I can't wait to see the path the future holds for me.
  98. My new favourite passtime is blogging.
  99. Writing 100 things about myself was harder than I thought it would be.
  100. My fingers hurt......................
O.K. everyone I did it! Now it's your turn and leave me a comment so I know where to find your list. Really it wasn't so bad..........


Anonymous said...

Just a few comments about your 100 list! For the record, you have me pinned down first and I'm supposed to escape! The laughter is from your attempts to tickle me during my Houdini escape! And yes, the Tai Chi master escapes once more! Love you bunches! You are my tag team partner and scrabble challenger! "Quick", got you on a triple word score!! Your turn!

Guess Who? said...

100 Things About Me: