Monday, February 18, 2008

Travel Adventures

To celebrate Valentines's Day we decided to take the kids away for the weekend. Not too far, mind you, as we needed to arrange "piggy sitting" for Wigglesworth, and Bailey needed to be dropped off at the "Puppy Spa" (aka Grampa and Grandma's house). We chose a very nice, full service resort that was about 2 hours away. It's true that you don't have to go far away to feel far away!
So with the "critters" taken care of we packed our bags.....all 8 of a potty a little stool so Evan could stand to do his "wee wees" ice skates.....snowpants....snack food......well, you get the idea. And we were off!!
My motives for the vacation, besides spending some uninterrupted time with my family was to give them some "practice" leading up to our travels to China next Spring. I am not so secretly petrified at the thought of taking 3 kids (soon to be 4) to China for 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong, we have really great kids....most of the time. But there are a few issues. Claire, gets motion sickness VERY easily and we spend most of our travels with the car windows open so she can have fresh air. Did I mention it was -20C this past weekend? Evan has a thing about only being able to (read: want) to sleep in his own bed. Of all the nights we were away he was the last one into bed (11 pm) and the first one to rise (6 am). He likes to stand in the playpen and yell COCK A DOODLE DOO at the crack of dawn until everyone gives up and gets up! Good grief! Alec, is a pretty good thats one for our side!
My other intention this weekend was to let the kids experience "fine dining." They didn't really realize that some restaurants come with cloth napkins and wine glasses as opposed to a paper napkin dispenser and plastic cups with lids! Claire was hooked as soon as the waiter poured her orange juice in a wine glass at breakfast! She kept asking (in a rather loud voice) "who is MY waiter"!! Evan was mesmerized by "knives" and happily exclaimed that there was a knife "just my size" was a butter knife!
The kids swam, skated, tobogganned, played tennis, floor hockey. I managed to have some great meals...back to the gym this week.....and spend time away from the washing machine! The weekend was declared a SUCCESS!!

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