Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It Makes a Mama Proud

At bedtime last night we were having problems convincing Evan that it was time to stop playing and time to go to bed. This is really nothing new, except that it seems he got the taste for staying up really late during our "mini holiday". As our frustration levels were rising (and we were getting no where), Claire (age 4) comes to the rescue....and this is the conversation that followed:

Claire: "Mom...Dad....I'll take care of it (meaning getting Evan into bed)
Claire (to Evan): I know you are feeling frustrated right now. I know how that feels. It makes your tummy hurt, right?
Evan: (stops yelling "no" and actually listens to Claire)
Claire (to Evan): I know we had fun playing together but now it's time for bed. We can play again in the morning, o.k.? I promise.........

Mommy pops into the room, scoops up a quiet Evan, brushes teeth and tucks him in! Wonders never cease!!
Adam and I were just so proud of our daughters maturity and ability to show empathy and compassion towards Evan. Wow! She could teach adults a few lessons!

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