Sunday, February 3, 2008

Blogging with a Purpose

I know that many of you are aware of the terrible weather conditions currently being experienced in China. Thousands of people are stranded in an effort to return home to celebrate the upcoming holiday. Often this is the only opportunity to see their families for the entire year. The ones who are truly suffering though are the orphans and the elderly. With no heat, electricity, rising food prices and a shortage of diapers, warm clothing etc. the effect has been devasting. According to Half the Sky Foundation who updated their website only hours ago, already several elderly have not been able to withstand these harsh conditions and have perished. Orphanges, working in conjuction with foundations like HTS, are appealing to everyone to assist with monetary donations in order to purchase warm quilts, diapers, heaters etc. for the children.
There is no immediate end in sight for the severe weather and the need is great.
As I write tonight I am comfortable, warm and well fed. My little ones are tucked into bed safely and the thought would never cross their minds that they might ever be cold, hungry or neglected. My heart goes out to the thousands that need our help. The world seems a smaller place when I think that it may be my daughter, cold and frightened in China tonight.
If you would like to help please check out the website

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