Monday, March 9, 2009

A Little Bit of Work and a Little Bit of Play

The weekend began a bit gloomy here with the news that the family van....."old rusty" was feeling under the weather. Apparently "ball joints" are pretty important and Adam (and the mechanic) declared it not road-worthy until it can be repaired. Now the decision is........fix it.....or scrap it!!
Normally I wouldn't care if the van was declared unoperable for the weekend except that Adam had a full day of Real Estate planned and would be taking my car for the day. My plans of hangin' at the Mall were soon replaced with how to spend a dreary day with 3 kids..........We managed to fill the day (just) with walking the dog, riding bikes, reading and (my favourite) napping!
Sunday Adam was home and we packed a picnic and headed out on a couple of errands. Being stuck at home I've become a tad addicted to Kijiji, which is basically a online classified website. I was searching for a winter jacket that might fit Claire next year when I came across an ad for a Lily Pullitzer dress in a size 6......perfect! I was very familiar with the designer's name but none of her outfits have graced Claire's closet as I'm simply not willing to shell out $200 for a dress!! Well I jumped at the chance to purchase it...for a mere $25!! The only catch was that it was located an hour away....... My very sweet husband (and I know you are reading) agreed to the field trip and we were off! We combined the road trip with a trip to our favourite park that has a little zoo attached, a trip to the Comic Book Store to appease the biggest member of the family, and some yummy Chinese food to finish off the day.
So the weekend started out kinda boring but finished off with some great "family time." Enjoy the pics.............

King of the playground

Never too old to bounce......the funny thing is that we have a picture of Alec on the exact same bouncer when he was 3........he's grown just a bit since then!

Always lookin' cute

Queen of "the pose"

Another fun day.............

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