Friday, March 27, 2009

The Bear went Over the Mountain......

This post is a little bit late....but better late than never! :0
Two weekends ago we decided to take the kids out for their first BIG hike. We had hiked alot with Alec when he was little but then something happened and we sort of got away from it. Well I know what that something was........3 to renovate........multiple jobs to pay for the before get the idea.
Adam and I were interested to see how the kids would handle an afternoon of "roughing it." No indoor video games.......this was going to be hard and I mentally prepared myself on the drive to the trail head.
Always lovin' to be proved wrong, the kids did great. The first hill in the shot below was a duzzie! Claire and Alec sprinted to the top, Adam and Evan kept a slow and even pace and me......well, lets just say there was alot of heavy breathing and creaking of bones!
After a quick rest we hiked the rest of the loop (about 2 hours), discovered deer tracks (and poop! - very exciting for poop intrigued children), found bird feathers, and managed to gather a bag full of interesting rocks and sticks.
All in all it was a wonderful afternoon made even better because there was no whining (or need for bandaids etc).
We were so inspired that when we got home we booked a wilderness canoe treking/camping weekend in August. Let's hope the positive attitudes continue!

Part of the mountain (ok....maybe a big hill) we climbed. There is another level after this one!

Evan was determined to keep up with Alec (who was determined to get the hike over with as quickly as possible)

Claire found a cool hideout on the trail

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