Friday, August 15, 2008

'Cause I had a bad day!

Those song lyrics seem so appropriate today and I'm sitting here hoping that it's just the heat (or hormones) making me grumpy and that tomorrow I'll awake and laugh at myself. We've been waiting for the Town Water & Sewer Department to sign off and give us the o.k. to dig for the new fence. Well, today the Sewer Department arrived. I didn't even realize until after he was finished that he had spray painted a green line down our "NEW" driveway. When I calmly asked him if it washes off he replied that it will "wear off eventually." GREAT!
To top it off we had noticed the other day that there was a soft spot in the backyard. Adam was going to investigate it later this weekend. Of course I couldn't leave it alone and curiousity led me to stick my foot down into the hole. There was a giant "whooshing" noise and the ground gave way. Luckily I wasn't sucked in too! Adam, who now thinks I'm pretty much insane, measured the sink hole to at least a depth of 4feet and there appears to be water at the bottom. We speculate that there used to be a septic bed there and it is causing the ground to cave in. We have a call in to a septic company to assess the situation but right now visions of having to dig the entire backyard up and remove the old tank are running through my head. And with all the money we spent on renos this summer there is not a penny left over for this newest disaster. Safety with the daycare is my biggest concern and I know the problem needs to be fixed. But how? Hopefully everything will work itself out for the best. And that concludes my pity party. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...................

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