Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.....well almost

I've been in a bit of a blog rut the last couple of weeks. Actually the rut applies more to my life than to my blog. I'm trying not to read too much into my current dark mood. This time of year is notoriously a bit emotional for me.
I'll explain.
I'm adopted and although I totally support adoption as a means of growing families (of course, as that is what we are doing) I still get a bit glum around this time of year. You would think I'd be over it by now, after all I'm turning 37!! Pretty ridiculous eh? But regardless of my age my thoughts still run the gamut of emotion between, "thank God I was adopted and didn't have to live the life I was born into. One of poverty, infidelity, and stress." The flip side of my internal conversation reads something like, "how could anyone give me away and why hasn't anyone come to find me." I wrestle with these feelings every year and once the dreaded day (my birthday) has passed I tend to put it all on the back burner until next year when once again the dark cloud will return. So here I am, sitting in my dark cloud for a couple more weeks. I'll be glad when June 6th has come and gone.........................

Until then here is a picture that makes me smile...............

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