Friday, May 2, 2008

No Children Were Caffeinated in the Making of this Picture.....

Two Thursday's a month (read: payday) the kids enjoy Tim Horton muffins and Timbits delivered before Daddy heads to work. Mommy enjoys the coffee Daddy leaves on the counter! Claire thinks it's hilarious to pour juice into the extra cup Daddy brings home so she can be just like Mommy.
Evan, jealous of the attention and giggles this generates wanted to make a silly face for me to take a picture of. Too cute!

A girl needs a little coffee before a hard day at Kindergarten

Evan will do anything to get a laugh!

On a more serious note, if anyone is looking for something to do with the kids this weekend, and you happen to live in the Toronto area, then check out the "Second Annual Shania Sunflower of Hope Fun Fair." The proceeds go a great cause....Neuroplastoma Research! If you want to read about Shania's courageous battle with this devastating disease and learn more about the Fun Fair that is held in her memory then go to
Enjoy your weekend.

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