Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wheels of Progress are a Turnin'

Finally!!! After waiting an extra 4 weeks, the DRIVEWAY HAS BEEN DUG UP!! Normally I wouldn't care if it took longer than they estimated but the driveway involved removing a large concrete pad from the back of the house. A piece of concrete that HAD to be removed before I could lay the new patio! Also, the driveway delay was affecting the installation of a new fence that is on Adam's To-Do List.
So, while the actual trucks and excavators are in the driveway ripping and tearing at the old ashphalt, I'm on the phone arranging delivery of the pavers, and gravel for the new patio. And not a moment too soon. I only have this weekend to do the installation as the weekend after I'm having a family birthday party for Adam. Now, just pray for good weather this weekend!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Such an Entertainer!

Hmmm...what can I make?

Almost got it!

A new fashion accessory!

Look Mom: my head is huge!

After this little photo shoot, Evan wanted me to record him singing a song. I suggested Twinkle Twinkle and he began in his best voice. When he got to the chorus though he started to go:


and then he says.......

"Mom my CD is skipping"

that was too much for this kid is funny!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.....well almost

I've been in a bit of a blog rut the last couple of weeks. Actually the rut applies more to my life than to my blog. I'm trying not to read too much into my current dark mood. This time of year is notoriously a bit emotional for me.
I'll explain.
I'm adopted and although I totally support adoption as a means of growing families (of course, as that is what we are doing) I still get a bit glum around this time of year. You would think I'd be over it by now, after all I'm turning 37!! Pretty ridiculous eh? But regardless of my age my thoughts still run the gamut of emotion between, "thank God I was adopted and didn't have to live the life I was born into. One of poverty, infidelity, and stress." The flip side of my internal conversation reads something like, "how could anyone give me away and why hasn't anyone come to find me." I wrestle with these feelings every year and once the dreaded day (my birthday) has passed I tend to put it all on the back burner until next year when once again the dark cloud will return. So here I am, sitting in my dark cloud for a couple more weeks. I'll be glad when June 6th has come and gone.........................

Until then here is a picture that makes me smile...............

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dear Lauren.......

Our journey to bring you home is lengthening more than we had anticipated. The rumours are that the wait, for expedited files, will grow from 13 months to 24 months. Families who have been waiting 18 months have not yet seen the face of their little one. This saddens my heart, not just for the families waiting, but for the children who also wait. I'd like to think that the time lines have increased because there are not as many babies in need of homes, and that the ones who need homes have found them in their own country. This would be a good thing, although I'm not totally convinced that this is the reason for the slowdown.
So we continue to wait. Claire is so excited to be a big sister, she talks about you all the time!! She is going to love teaching you, reading to you and showing you her favourite shopping stores. She can't wait for you to join us for "girls night out!" Evan loves you too and asks me often if you are o.k. and when the airplane will take us to China to bring you home. Alec is so proud to talk about you, and China with all his friends at school. He did his school speech this year on "China Adoption" and now he is doing a social studies project on "Modern China." He can't wait to meet you and travel with us to see your beautiful country. And of course, Daddy and I are anxiously waiting our turn; to see your beautiful face and smother you with hugs and kisses!!
Until then, be safe and brave my sweet one. I love you............................................

Friday, May 2, 2008

No Children Were Caffeinated in the Making of this Picture.....

Two Thursday's a month (read: payday) the kids enjoy Tim Horton muffins and Timbits delivered before Daddy heads to work. Mommy enjoys the coffee Daddy leaves on the counter! Claire thinks it's hilarious to pour juice into the extra cup Daddy brings home so she can be just like Mommy.
Evan, jealous of the attention and giggles this generates wanted to make a silly face for me to take a picture of. Too cute!

A girl needs a little coffee before a hard day at Kindergarten

Evan will do anything to get a laugh!

On a more serious note, if anyone is looking for something to do with the kids this weekend, and you happen to live in the Toronto area, then check out the "Second Annual Shania Sunflower of Hope Fun Fair." The proceeds go a great cause....Neuroplastoma Research! If you want to read about Shania's courageous battle with this devastating disease and learn more about the Fun Fair that is held in her memory then go to
Enjoy your weekend.