Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day.....and the cats outta the bag

We headed north this weekend with kids, dog, bikes, flowers and a cooler full of food in tow.  Off to Gravenhurst to celebrate Dad's 78th birthday and Mother's Day. 

It's so hard to know what to give them every year!  Dad has never really been one to hint to what he really wants and while Mom is usually happy with whatever I still wanted to make the weekend different and fun!

Well, as luck would have it we were able to share some VERY exciting news..............and if you aren't sitting down then now would be a good time.


I bit of a shocker to us as well but we have had 2 appointments and 1 ultrasound that happily shows our little "jelly bean" bouncing around in there!  So here I am in my 14th week and just nicely through the icky green months.  And now we are ready to shout it from the rooftops!!  ANOTHER BABY SIT!!!  WOOHOO!!!


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