Monday, February 27, 2012

A goal achieved and a mini getaway.......

In January, shortly before I posted my "I feel like poooop" post, Adam and I set a goal to achieve a healthier lifestyle and (especially for me) lose a few pounds......well, 15 to be exact!

In a smart and strategic move we enlisted the help of the kids to motivate us along the way. We made the challenge that "if" we were able to lose 15 lbs each we would take everyone to Great Wolf Lodge for the weekend.

Well, we met our goal and surpassed it by another 5 lbs and this past weekend we made good on our promise and took the kids (plus a friend for Alec) to GWL

......our favourite mini getaway destination........

and while I have a ways to go before I see the finish line in this healthier lifestyle race....I was happy to pause for a moment, pat myself on the back, and enjoy my it's time to drink another glass of water......lace up those shoes for another power walk.......and GET MOVING!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family Day Fun

where snow forts were constructed

and a few snowballs were tossed

the lake was skated upon

and we tackled an awesome toboggan hill

lots and lots

of times


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Welcome Winter

Nice of you to finally join us

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Have I Told You How Much

I love shopping at Home Sense? I headed out early this morning armed with my tape measure and my trusty sidekick who is always up for my crazy adventures.....and just happens to own a truck!

After our impulsive, late night decision to sell our bed and dresser we needed a replacement. We contemplated upholstered headboards but ended up settling on a 19th century replica iron bed. It is sooo pretty and comes from one of my favourite stores, Restoration Hardware. Even on sale the bed was quite a splurge and shipping something that heavy from the States not cheap. I really liked the night tables they also showed on their website. They were aged and distressed and looked so good with the iron of the bed. But alas, my conscience spoke when I realized they were $1000 EACH!!

Determined that I could find something that was similar at a fraction of the cost led me to Home Sense. I had to laugh when I saw how many woman were there, armed with tape measures just like me! My pulsed raced and adreneline was running high while I searched for what I wanted. The thing about Home Sense is that ALL the product is on the floor and it changes daily. There is no garuntee that if you go away and come back tomorrow that you will even see that item again. Even when you find what you are looking for you need to stand beside it and CLAIM IT before someone else does. Long story short, I found one of the night stands on one side of the store and then found the other one up by the front cash area. I crazily texted my friend who was browsing around elsewhere to come help me by standing beside one of the peices I wanted. I told her to defend it like she would her children!!

We were successful and now these two pretty nightstands that look very similar to the expensive ones I coveted are going to look oh so lovely beside our new bed. Now......if I could just decide on the bedding and accessories........back to Home Sense next weekend maybe?

I love the distressed look of the wood and the dimensions will be prefect in our room.

The proof is in the receipt! No $1000 price tag here!! Which makes this lady very happy!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So Long....................









I'M MOVING ON................

(anyone want to buy a sleigh bed?)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Consider a donation to a great cause

Hi everyone!

I have a wonderful friend, who I am lucky enough to also have as a close neighbour. She works actively with young adults who are bravely battling cancer.

Unfortunately this age demographic is often over-looked when it comes to support services.

I had never really thought of it before but it is so true. Very young children and their families often receive alot of media attention because, as parents, we can relate (in a heart wrenching kind of way) to what parents (and their children) are experiencing. The "middle-aged" demographic, because this is the largest demographic of cancer patients, also receives alot of attention.

But where does a young adult in their early 20's turn to when they are feeling isolated? They are neither small child or full-fledged adult.

The organization YYAC or Young Adult Cancer Canada offers support for these individuals who so need to be supported. Here is a quote from their website:

Cancer is different when you’re a young adult. The first stage of adult life is usually filled with university, starting a career, buying a house, getting married, starting a family, and celebrating your independence with your peers. Suddenly, you have cancer and issues like fertility, friends, and finances take on a whole new meaning.

You have to give up your independence for a while and put that new career on hold. You find out who your true friends are because not everyone has enough wiggle room in that ordinary path to visit you or they think addressing your cancer will make you uncomfortable so they don’t know what to say.

Support groups are occupied by older people who have grown children and grandchildren, and retirement plans. They’re probably not interested in discussing your stress over paying your bills, what you should do about your education, or the possibility of not having children.

Young adults need to connect with other young adults. We do it every day; why should we stop just because we’re going through something our friends aren’t?

So this is where my friend Jennifer comes into the plan. She is participating in a fundraiser called "Shave for the Brave." She has been growing out her hair to donate and if she can raise $2000K she will shave her head completely! Won't you consider going to her pledge page

and making a donation. Donations can be in any amount and it would mean so much to me that you are helping her meet her goal. And while I pray that none of our children will ever need the services of YACC it is definitely reassuring that support exists.

Thanks friends!

p.s. sorry but the link was not working properly. If you cut and paste the link it works fine though. :)