Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's here..............

I picked up my new camera Wednesday night and have been having been working on learning how to use it. Unfortunately I'm not really one of those people who enjoy the learning process........I like to skip right to the "expert/proficient" stage of learning. I know, I know...........typical "Type A." Anyways, I've been having fun, reading the manual and experimenting with the different shooting modes and configurations. I'm mostly frustrated with the editing software package it came with. The basic program is pretty slow and clumsy to navigate through. It comes with a more advanced editing program but the problem is that you really need to know "your stuff" and all the lingo (saturation, tonal curve etc.) and I'm not even close to figuring all that out yet!
Here are a couple random shots I've taken so far. As you can see, after 4 months of almost no snow we;ve finally been dumped on. It's that wet snow that's back breaking to shovel! The kids are enjoying making snowforts though and the only other positive thing is that it makes the trees look pretty..........except when you are standing underneath and the branch decides to dump it's load!

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