Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm SO excited

that I could jump right outta this old chair! My very sweet, hard working husband is buying me a present. And the best part is that I get to pick it out myself!
I've been wanting a Digital SLR camera for like...ever.... but it always seemed that something would come up (braces, gymnastics lessons, summer camp, renovations, $200 sneakers.....well you ge the idea). Well, Adam insisted that I buy myself something.............and baby an awesome camera is what this girl wants!
Choosing has been tough! In fact up until this morning I was convinced I wanted a Nikon D90 but then (drumroll please)......Canon releases a new, totally amazing, even better than the Nikon.......SLR camera.............the Canon Rebel T2i. It won't be available until the end of the month but the wait will be worth it. I can't wait to retire my little point and shoot, and take some seriously cute pics of my kids!
Speaking of pics, here's one of my new baby.....................what do you think? And now if I only knew how to use it.................oh well, one step at a time.

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