Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Sometimes I know that I easily lose perspective. I get caught up in the minute details of living. I worry about things like finances, whether the kids have the right clothes (aka the nicest clothes), whether other people view us as "good people" or even "nice people." I stress over keeping our home looking neat, tidy and well taken care of (to the point of throwing out my back digging the before-mentioned patio and being in pain all this week). I want to provide my family with everything they need to feel loved and provided for. Opportunities and experiences that hopefully will turn them into well rounded adults in the future. But for all my worrying I tend to lose focus of what is really important.
We have our health, a home, food to eat, and clothes to keep us warm. We have family!
We are so fortunate to live in a country that is safe, where women can grow up to be opinionated, educated and out spoken. Where men can grow into nurturing fathers. Where the elderly don't worry about being abandonned and where our social programs and health care provide everyone with the opportunity to live a life full and meaningful.
So today I'm not going to worry that Alec's socks are 2 different colours; that Evan's hair really could use a combing or that I wish we had more money saved towards Lauren's adoption. Today, even if it is just for today...... I am thankful............

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