Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Check out my new wheels!

Kinda sad that it's only a wagon. I was dreaming of a nice new Volvo parked in the drive, but this is pretty cool too. I had to laugh at the looks on the kids faces. They were on their way to the ice cream parlor when I insisted they stop and "smile" for me. Look at those goofy expressions. Gotta love them though!

The "old" ride

The new "pimped" ride

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Sometimes I know that I easily lose perspective. I get caught up in the minute details of living. I worry about things like finances, whether the kids have the right clothes (aka the nicest clothes), whether other people view us as "good people" or even "nice people." I stress over keeping our home looking neat, tidy and well taken care of (to the point of throwing out my back digging the before-mentioned patio and being in pain all this week). I want to provide my family with everything they need to feel loved and provided for. Opportunities and experiences that hopefully will turn them into well rounded adults in the future. But for all my worrying I tend to lose focus of what is really important.
We have our health, a home, food to eat, and clothes to keep us warm. We have family!
We are so fortunate to live in a country that is safe, where women can grow up to be opinionated, educated and out spoken. Where men can grow into nurturing fathers. Where the elderly don't worry about being abandonned and where our social programs and health care provide everyone with the opportunity to live a life full and meaningful.
So today I'm not going to worry that Alec's socks are 2 different colours; that Evan's hair really could use a combing or that I wish we had more money saved towards Lauren's adoption. Today, even if it is just for today...... I am thankful............

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just a Few Projects on the Go

Maybe we're biting off more than we can chew, my mother definately thinks so. But you know when the "to do" list just gets longer and longer and finally it just HAS to be dealt with? Well, over the past 5 years we have worked mainly on the interior of the house, gutting each room one by one, finishing the basement, remodelling the kitchen etc. We try to accomplish at least 1 project every summer (as money allows). Knowing that we will most likely be travelling to China late next Fall I feel the urge to knock a few items off the never-ending To Do List. Here's the list for this summer:

1) Remodel the upstairs bathroom
2) Add a second (more spacious) bathroom downstairs
3) Remove the old (and very broken) back patio and replace it with a cobblestone patio, complete with firepit, barbecue area and patio furniture.
4) Have the driveway (also in a state of deterioration) re-paved.
5) Remove the back gate and replace with something that does not give me splinters!

So far, we've had the 2 windows replaced in the "old" bathroom and the soon to be "new" bathroom. We contacted the driveway company and they will be excavating the driveway within the next 2 weeks. We've pulled up the old patio stones and chosen new pavers that hopefully will be delivered in the next 2 weeks.
Still to do this week is get the old fence down....before the machines arrive to remove the old ashphalt.
So what do you think? Are we biting off more than we can handle? Will my poor husband collapse from the exhaustion of working 2 jobs and renovating? Stay tuned as the details unfold over the summer. I'll try and take pictures of our work along the way.

The old wooden window (with a sill even) in the middle of the shower!

Our new vinyl window awaiting marble trim and new ceramic tiles!

Goodbye patio stones....hello sandpit?

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything

I feel like my Mother! I've been obsessing about the arrival of Spring this year. When I was a little kid I never could figure out why the grownups talked about the weather so much when it was clearly a very boring topic (especially to a 7 year old). The funny thing is that I catch myself doing it all the time now.
Is it true that middle age is creeping around the corner and waiting to turn me into some "weather channel obsessed lunatic"? Maybe there is a support group I could join now in anticipation of the great event.
And is 36 really middle age? I'll save that discussion for another day.

Anyways, THE WEATHER IS GREAT...SUNNY AND WARM....AND I AM LOVIN' IT. If that makes me boring then sign me up! We enjoyed our weekend, puddling around the yard, raking some leaves and pumping bicycle tires for the kids. Evan was just too cute riding his bike that I just had to snap his picture!

For those who don't know, I operate a small home daycare (about 5 kids) from our home. The hours are long (10+ per day) but the payoff with being here to raise my kids is worth it. And face it, there are very few people who can afford to put 3 kids into daycare! I run a very structured program very similar to a preschool. Most of the time we have good days full of fun and learning....the kids are really great! But.....once in awhile we run into a less than positive day. Last Friday was one of those days. At one point I had everyone in "group timeout" which was a first for me. I had biters, screamers, jumpers and non-listeners. I truly thought I might not make it to 6pm. But I did.....and after a nice glass of wine and a good nights sleep (and a weekend) I was ready for this morning with new enthusiasum.
We made a Water Xylophone for our science component today. The kids had fun measuring the water, colouring it, and listening to the different tones the glasses produced. It was a big hit and we followed it up with a X is for Xylophone worksheet. Then it was outside for games and fresh air! So far, today is much better.......................