Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Better Late Than Never..........

As life gets busier lately I am definitely struggling to keep up with recording the kid's milestones on the blog. I realize though that this is the "link" they will have in the future (as I am also notoriously bad at scrapbooking etc.). So better late than are the kids pics from the first day of school. Claire began Grade 7 with the same amazing enthusiasm that she exhibits every year. Evan was equally excited to begin Grade 5 and Miss Avery was in tears because she was not beginning school. She woke up early, insisted on me making her a lunch (although I kept saying she was not going this year), and wearing her backpack. She went with Daddy to walk Evan to school and about 20 minutes later I could hear the screaming as she headed back home. Soooo disappointed to not be able to stay. But we are making the best of it and making sure she has lots of her own "school work" to do with me every day. :) Another thing we are doing this year (that is a bit different) is not having an after school or extra activities. Partly because I have reduced my work load to comply with Ministry Standards for daycare, partly because not only is Alec in school but so am I and financially something had to give.  We are also focussing on Adam's Real Estate marketting so that is time consuming as well. In actuality it is kind of nice to have our evenings together, doing nothing but being a family. That, in itself, is priceless.

When I asked Evan what he needed for the new school year he said "a pencil"!  I LOVE boys!

Sibling love!

When I asked Claire what she needed to begin school she presented me with a spreadsheet! Lol....that's my girl!

This is Avery "before" realizing that she was not starting Kindergarten (depsite us telling her that she has 1 more year with mommy)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Avery :(

Coll xo