Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter................

I hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend.  We had set aside this weekend, not only to celebrate Easter and the beautiful Spring weather, but to also toilet train Miss Avery.  Unfortunately our little gal came down with a nasty cold and started to run a fever Saturday afternoon.  We ended up having to return to the world of diapers as we tucked our little girl into bed for a marathon sleep.  The good news is that she awoke feeling much better, just in time to check out what the Easter bunny brought for her.  And now we are back in "big girl undies" and hoping that today will be a successful day. :)  Either way, we are so proud of her and all of a sudden she seems so grown up!

The outdoor portion of the Easter Egg Hunt - Eggs filled with money even motivates Alec to join in on the fun!

Evan is on the hunt!

The chilly morning never took away Claire's smile!

Those bare legs make me shiver just looking at them

No smiles from our sick little girl.....but she did seem happy with her new water table and toys......that we set up in the livingroom because it was too chilly outside.......and then it started to

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