Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School 2014

Yes, I'm blatently aware that I haven't finished up on my summer vacation photos and now I'm staring September in the face and realizing that I'm hopelessly doomed to ever get them posted.

In my defence it has been a pretty crazy summer!  Crazy in a good sort of way. There were lots of busy days filled with kids, kids and more kids!  Throw a few trips up to Muskoka, a camping trip where Avery felt the need to rise at 5am, a trip to the CNE, a visit from one of my dearest old friends (sorry Colleen.....I don't mean "old".....I actually think we look pretty good!) and you are looking at very little time left for such things as blogging.

But I refuse to let the first day of school escape me without taking (and posting) the kids pics.  They grow up so fast!  Claire headed off to Grade 6 and as usual was up at the crack of dawn, bag packed and looking beautiful as always. Evan headed off to Grade 4!  He was super excited to see his friends and except for a few "butterflies" he was ready to go and looking forward to achieving all the goals he has set for his academics.  Even Avery was excited to enter another year of Preschool with me and has already been busy learning the letters of her name, and mastering all her letters, shapes and colours. It should be a fun year!

I still can't believe it's Grade 6 already!

Brother and Sister Love!

Looking forward to a great year in Grade 4!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a wonderful visit it was :)
Great first day of school pixs!