Sunday, June 22, 2014


Late last week we had quite the storm go through our town.  Normally I LOVE stormy weather and have always found it rather interesting the force Mother Nature has.  This particular storm lasted maybe 30 minutes and at one point Adam and I looked out the kitchen window and thought to ourselves that the maple tree was looking pretty droopy.

 Uh Oh........

It just happened that I had forgotten to close the shed door. Adam was concerned that it might just blow off it's hinges (yes, it was that windy!). Since I was the guilty party I volunteered to run out to close it.  The water in the backyard was literally 5 inches high!

Anyways, since I was soaking wet I made a quick detour by the tree........and what I found made me just a "tad bit" ticked off with Mother Nature.

You see, our tree is our ONLY shade tree in the yard.  I picked it out myself almost 4 years ago, paid over $800 for it, have cared for it, and watched it grow just like a baby. To say that I am emotionally attached to my tree is an understatement.

I was almost in tears at the thought of loosing it. But, it wasn't long until I was on the internetto see what I could do. Because if there was ANY chance we could save it.....I wanted to try.  After the worst of the storm cleared, Adam headed outside with some strong ratchet tie-downs to secure the 2 halves together. After some more internet research and a visit from an Tree Specialist who quoted $650 to salavage the tree we decided to take his advice and try to do the work ourselves.

So now our tree is affectionately known as "Franken-Tree" or by it's previous name "Leafy."

Now fingers are crossed and only time will tell but for now it's looking promising that "Leafy" will be around for a long long time....................

Our quick "repair" job while we waited to figure out a solution

A close up of the damage from the storm. The crack extended down about 15 inches.

About to drill the first hole.....crazy Willow kept trying to jump up and grab the spinning drill bit!

The first post is going in!

A close up of the steel post installed. There is another post about 6 inches further down the tree as well.

Our beautiful Franken-Tree!

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