Sunday, November 18, 2012

Avery Lynn Sit November 12, 2012

Born November 12, 2012  7lbs 10 oz  Southlake Regional Health Centre

2 Days Old ~ Settling in nicely at home

So cute!

4 Days Old

6 Days Old

I thought I'd start off with the pictures because that's what everyone really wants to see anyways. :)  I'm a little late with posting the arrival of Avery, not because it was a difficult or tiring birth.  Quite the opposite, labour and delivery was easy, peaceful and a wonderful end to my baby making years. I'm late with posting because I'm finding it very hard to not spend my every waking moment just holding her, looking into her eyes, and stroking that sweet head of brown hair.  She is truly the most amazing little baby...hahaha....I'm sure every new mom says that!  I'm not sure if it's because she is my 4th, or if it's because I am older and have a different perspective or because I know that it's the last time I'll ever snuggle one of children when they are this little.  Either way, I'm enjoying every single second I get to spend with her....yes, even the middle of the night ones!  I just know that they grow up so fast and before you know it she'll be asking for the keys to the car!
Avery has settled perfectly into the family, is loved to death by all members (even the biggest one who declared that he "loves her sooo much.").  We have shown her off to family and friends and tomorrow she will officially start preschool as I head back to work.  It's not an easy transition tomorrow either as I'm looking at a 12 hour day.  But, somehow I know we'll get through it.....hopefully with our senses of humour in tact.
So stayed tuned........I promise I'll do better with the updates.  We celebrated Claire's 9th birthday on Friday night with a "Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2" Party and Sleepover.  I'll be posting those pics very soon!
Now excuse me.....I'm off to snuggle a little someone.

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