Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome October

No cute pics in this post today.  More than anything I just wanted to document the last few weeks leading up to the arrival of Baby Avery.  I know that someday I'll look back and this special time will all be a blur as life is busy now and I can only imagine will become busier.
I'd be lying if I said the last few weeks have been a breeze.  There has been issues with the rate at which blood flows through the umbilical cord, bringing nutrients to the baby and removing waste.  The concern resulted in ultraounds and non-stress tests every 48 hours for just over 2 weeks.  There was some "talk" of bedrest or early delivery.  Thankfully, the situation seemed to correct itself and my OB has given me the "all clear" and says the umbilical cord has now become a non-issue for concern.  I still can't help but feeling like this little monkey may arrive ahead of schedule though. This is strange because my other 3 all had to be induced because they found it a bit too comfy in there!  I guess it'll be interesting to see if my mommy-intuition is correct!
The up-side of having a multitude of ultrasounds is that I already feel so connected to Baby A.  I've seen her suck her fingers, play with the umbilical cord, and try to insert two fists into her mouth at  I've seen her toes and fingers wiggle and her little legs kick.  Not many moms get so many opportunities to watch over their little one during pregnancy and for that I feel grateful.
Baby "A's" nursery is almost complete and I will post some pics once the final few details are added.  Oddly enough it's some of the practical things I'm missing.   Diapers, wipes, cream top the list of things we still need.  I had no idea that the cost of diapers was so high.....alot has changed in the 7 years since I last went diaper shopping.   And while, Avery's bag is packed for the hospital I still have not packed mine or even shopped for nursing bras and the other less-glamerous items one needs to give birth. :)  I just hope we can pull off everything before she arrives.  We are just beginning to realize the financial magnitude of adding a 4th child to the family.  Added to the fact, that we had given away EVERYTHING but the crib and are essentially starting over from scratch.  I am thankful though that I am a much wiser mama this time around and realize that I only a 1/10 of what I thought I needed when I had Alec almost 16 years ago.  It's true that with age does come wisdom!
So today I am beginning week 34 of this journey and although it's getting harder to juggle sleepness night, leg cramps, and heart burn while running my business and managing to be super-mom to my other 3 kids I wouldn't trade this experience for the world.
See you in 6 short weeks my little jelly bean!

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