Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

The dreary weather didn't deter me from trying to capture the kids "first day of school" photos.  Everyone, even the oldest who normally isn't too thrilled about rising this early, seemed excited.  Claire and Evan's school which is normally a Kindergarten to Grade 3  has been changed to a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school while the new school (that is scheduled to open September 2013) is being built.  It was a tad chaotic there this morning as the student population had more than tripled and everyone tried to figure out where they were going.  Thankfully Claire was able to take Evan into the school (as the front entrance was completely jamed and there was no way I could fit in with the daycare kids and a stroller), find his classroom and make sure he was settled.  Such a fantastic help for this mama!!!
Enjoy the pics.......................

All ready for Grade 11

A little Brother/Sister love

Lookin' beautiful and excited to see her friends

First one up at the crack of dawn and ready to go!

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