Friday, September 28, 2012

It Always Starts Like This......

"Mom, can I just put my fingers in the water?"

"Mom, can I just pull up my leggings and go in a little bit?"

"Mom, my leggings got wet, Can I just take off my skirt and sweater and jump off the dock?"

And just in case you think Evan was an innoccent by-stander.....he wasn't!  I just wasn't quick enough to take the pictures!  It didn't matter to them that it was a chilly day in mid-September. It didn't matter to them that no one else seemed to be swimming and the beach was basically empty. And it certainly didn't matter to them that we didn't have bathingsuits or towels.....apparently Daddy's coat works as a towel just fine!!


Monday, September 10, 2012

A Much Needed Mini Getaway

We had booked this vacation weekend to Great Wolf Lodge several months ago. We were actually scheduled to go the last weekend before school started when we all (our family plus the daycare) came down with a horrible 12 hour stomach bug.  I won't get into the details but lets just say it was not pleasant in the least!

In hind sight it was actually a great decision that we postponed the trip.  The hotel was much quieter than usual and the weather was still warm enough that the kids were able to swim in the outdoor pool and enjoy a few rounds of mini golf.

I enjoyed the lounge chair by the pool, a great book, and glimpsing the smiles of my children as they headed off for the next activity.

Enjoy the pics.............

Daddy and Evan on the Lazy River

Claire just finished racing her friend down the slide!

Friends (and some new stuffies)

Wolf girl Claire!

Evan takes his mini golf very seriously

Claire....not so serious :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

The dreary weather didn't deter me from trying to capture the kids "first day of school" photos.  Everyone, even the oldest who normally isn't too thrilled about rising this early, seemed excited.  Claire and Evan's school which is normally a Kindergarten to Grade 3  has been changed to a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school while the new school (that is scheduled to open September 2013) is being built.  It was a tad chaotic there this morning as the student population had more than tripled and everyone tried to figure out where they were going.  Thankfully Claire was able to take Evan into the school (as the front entrance was completely jamed and there was no way I could fit in with the daycare kids and a stroller), find his classroom and make sure he was settled.  Such a fantastic help for this mama!!!
Enjoy the pics.......................

All ready for Grade 11

A little Brother/Sister love

Lookin' beautiful and excited to see her friends

First one up at the crack of dawn and ready to go!