Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just Some Sentences..........And Alot of Pictures

I totally realized that I'm doing a rotten job keeping my blog updated this summer.  In my defense it could have something to do with being a 6 month pregnant mama with 3 other kids to care for.......or maybe I'm just lazy. You choose.............

Everything is going well with the pregnancy, although I think I may have developed a pregnancy rash called PUPP.  For the last 3 days I've had an intensely itchy red rash that began on my feet and ankles but is quickly spreading. Last night I had itchy red spots all the way up past my knees.  I've been googling (since my next doctors appointment is not until August 1st) and it is definitely not poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac....and since we have really not been anywhere where I could've contracted either of those I am ruling them from the equation.  I'm hoping to get some confirmation once I speak to my OB GYN...........and hopefully some relief!

Aside from that the pregnancy has been relatively uneventful.  Baby Avery is a busy little girl...........loves to wake up around 3 pm and kick me until 3 am..............hmmmm.............gonna have to work on changing THAT schedule after she arrives.

In other news..........a certain little guy turned 7 on July 16th.  My parents treated us to a wonderful "Pirate Boat Cruise" on the Wennonah 2...........a steamship that cruises Lake Muskoka.  It was a total hit with the kids!!  So much fun!!  Evan also enjoyed a few birthday gifts as well as an "Angry Bird Arcade Birthday Party" with his friends a couple of weeks earlier.  The cake was awesome and Evan was super excited to play video games with all his best buddies!

Getting ready to cruise on the Wennonah 2

Waiting for the pirate fun to begin......totally gonna dress up next time!!

Pirate Captain Corbin!

At one point the ship is boarded by pirates riding jet skies........a mighty battles ensues and the intruders are tossed over the side of the ship............Evan's favourite part of the show!

Local tourists get into the action.....all I could think was that they have too much money and too much time on their

Another group of Pirate Tourists following the ship

This was the view of the boats that followed us on the

Taking in all the excitement!

Meeting Captain Corbin!

A birthday is never complete without a few presents!

Evan's Angry Bird cake from his "school" party with his friends a few weeks ago. Cute, eh?

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