Monday, January 23, 2012

and now back to our regularly scheduled cuteness

First off, thanks for everyone who cheered me up after my pity party last post. I'm refocussed and have decided to count my blessings instead of counting my worries. And so.....on with the positive!

We had such a crazy busy weekend! The highlight being Claire's new desk which she has been patiently waiting for quite some time now. I had been drooling over the ones at Pottery Barn but with a price tag of $1200-$1500 I has having problems justifying making the plunge. They also seemed a tad bit on the small side and I was concerned it wouldn't last her into teenage-hood. When I spotted this particular desk at IKEA I knew we could spruce it up to look fabulous in her room. I will proudly say that I assembled this baby mostly by myself......and have the blister from turning the screw driver to prove it. :) I think it came out great and I'm totally pleased that she now has a quiet spot to study, read and dream her dreams.

Stay tuned for before pictures of our downstairs bathroom and follow along as it becomes transformed into our master spa retreat (well, I hope so anyways).

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