Sunday, January 29, 2012

The wheels of progress are a turning......

The majority of the framing has been completed (thanks Adam and Dad) and the pot lights have since been installed and are in fine working order. We have ordered the fixtures from Restoration Hardware and chosen some sweet tile from Home Depot. Next on the to-do list is to level the floor, install the subfloor and install the redi-tile shower base. So far we are pleased with the progress and as an added surprise Adam had the plumber run the pipes for a dishwasher in the kitchen. Yep......11 years in the house and I've never had a dishwasher. I'm so excited!! We picked it up today and Adam spent the afternoon "making space" for it. It meant I had to give up a set of drawers and 1 cabinet. I won't lie and tell you it was an easy task relocating the contents to other places in our little kitchen. But the thought of my poor dishpan hands getting some relieft will make it all worthwhile.
So that's it for now......................stay tuned!

Friday, January 27, 2012

From this...............

blank canvas we will (hopefully) create an absolutely beautiful master bathroom! We are already well underway...I'm just a bit slow with the before pictures. I have a million design decisions to make in the next few weeks which should be the "fun" part but I'm feeling kinda overwelmed with what direction to go. There are just soooo many pretty, wonderful, great ideas on the market to choose stay tuned!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

and now back to our regularly scheduled cuteness

First off, thanks for everyone who cheered me up after my pity party last post. I'm refocussed and have decided to count my blessings instead of counting my worries. And so.....on with the positive!

We had such a crazy busy weekend! The highlight being Claire's new desk which she has been patiently waiting for quite some time now. I had been drooling over the ones at Pottery Barn but with a price tag of $1200-$1500 I has having problems justifying making the plunge. They also seemed a tad bit on the small side and I was concerned it wouldn't last her into teenage-hood. When I spotted this particular desk at IKEA I knew we could spruce it up to look fabulous in her room. I will proudly say that I assembled this baby mostly by myself......and have the blister from turning the screw driver to prove it. :) I think it came out great and I'm totally pleased that she now has a quiet spot to study, read and dream her dreams.

Stay tuned for before pictures of our downstairs bathroom and follow along as it becomes transformed into our master spa retreat (well, I hope so anyways).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Feel Like...............

(image: compliments of Evan who played Scrabble with us the other night)

This about sums up how I feel today! I just haven't felt much like blogging since the holidays (in case you didn't notice). There are many things that weigh heavy on my mind and heart lately.

1. We are required to update our Homestudy with the Ministry of Community and Social Services in order to continue waiting for our adoption referral. I "want" to feel excited and joyous about our adoption but the truth is that after 5 years of heartbreak, waiting, and more heartbreak it is very hard to feel any sort of emotion. I worry that when (or if) we finally are able to complete this adoption that I won't "fall in love" with our daughter because of the disappointment I feel towards our "adoption experience." I also worry about my age (which is something that didn't concern me 5+ years ago when we began. Worry about having the energy to give 100% to another little person who undoubtably deserves the very best we can offer.
2. The money. There is another aspect to the adoption. One that not many talk about but also is concerning. The cost. It's a bit of a dark cloud hanging over our head right now and I'm looking for direction in regards as the best way to ensure that we will be able to travel and pay the remainder of our fees without incurring any debt. The countless updates we've had to do as well as the "file maintenance" fee our agency has begun to charge has slowly been eating away at the money we have saved. Also, as time goes on, flights, hotels, orphanage donations, and fees for translations and guides in China have continued to rise.
3. My work. I feel like the time has come to make a change. My daycare/preschool has been successful beyond my greatest expectations but I am beginning to feel the effects of working 11 hours a day/5 days a week. I'm feeling very run down, frustrated and eager to "regain" control over my house. I actually have dreams of having a humongous garage sale and liquidating every daycare related item! I have a potential job opportunity on the horizon that would be great but it means a significant pay cut at a time we really cannot afford to have me working less. It also means that Claire and Evan would have to be in daycare for the summer (a concept they are NOT pleased about). As a mother I am very torn between wanting to do something for myself and the responsibility I have to my children to be emotionally and physically available to them when they need me.
4. My health. As Jan 1st dawned I made the decision to place greater priority on taking care of myself. I've definitely let myself slip over the last few years......a few too many pounds have been added on, no time to exercise, letting the simplest things like getting a haircut slide in favour of making sure the kids are given all my attention. I've lost 15 lbs in almost 3 weeks and I truly feel empowered. Don't get me wrong. I'm totally thrilled with my progress but then today I made cookies with the kids and I fell off the wagon...........yep, I ate 2 cookies and a scoop of cookie dough!! I immediately felt sick (since I haven't had sugar or any wheat products in 3 weeks). But worse than the physical reaction to eating the cookies is the sense of failure I'm feeling. I know I need to pick myself up and keep going but that sometimes is easier said than done.
5. Parenting. One of the children is struggling a bit in their studies. As a parent you never want to see your child struggle................
6. Marriage. Always a work in progress and there are many days that I need to remember that: "he loves me even when he is mad at me."

So, welcome to my first post of 2012. Sorry, that it isn't cheery and bright. Sorry, that there are no cute pics of the kids. Because quite frankly...............I feel like..............