Thursday, September 29, 2011


So this is a post without pictures which is a rare thing for me these days. In fact it's the opposite of the way things have been going for the past few months. Usually I have time to snap the photos but not alot of time to write anything more than just a caption or two to go with it. So, as you can tell, this is causing me great guilt and since I actually have a few things to share I thought I'd find a few quiet minutes to get it done!

On the adoption front (for those of you who are STILL following our journey and watching the ticker at the bottom of my blog) we are just beginning to work on our Immigration Part 1 Form. This is the last little bit, although very important, piece of paperwork that will allow Lauren to become a Canadian citizen when we step off the plane with her in Toronto. Basically we file Part 1 here in Canada and then complete Part 2 of the application while we are in Bejing. We are so excited to be completing this part of the process because we know that it brings us one step closer to our daughter. Although things can change (as we've seen it happen over the last 4 years) we feel confident in saying that we should be receiving our referral in about 15 months from now. We are busily preparing both financially (travel costs, fees etc) and emotionally to embark on our adoption journey. Woo hoo.................

On the home front, Alec has a job interview tonight!! Please cross fingers and toes that he gets the job. He is so excited to earn some "real" money and I'm excited for him to gain that next level of independence (and stop asking me for money :) ). Last night I gave him some pointers on how to present himself in an interview. He asked me if he can burp and text in the interview.....but since he said it with a grin on his face I'm not too worried!!

Also, on the home front Evan is starting soccer on Saturday and Claire is into her third week of Brownies and is loving it. I am almost giddy at the thought of taking pictures of Evan on the soccer field this weekend. He looks so cute (don't tell him I said that) in his little shorts and soccer shoes......sigh...........

And what's new with me? Well, for those people out there that think I manage to keep everything together and running ship-shape around here I will be happy to dispell the myth. In the summer I received a letter from the Health Unit that Claire was missing some immunization information for their records (she has all her immunizations though). Our doctor is 45 minutes away and is only in the office 4 hours per week. I know....not too convenient but we can't switch right now for adoption-related reasons. Anyways, at the time I contacted the doctors office and the nurse gave me the information I needed. I called it into the Health Unit and 2 days later (a day before we headed out on vacation) they called back to say they were missing another record from when she was 6 months old. I called my doctors office again and then left on vacation and (this is the part where I goofed) promptly forgot about it. So today, I received a letter that states Claire is being suspended from school for 20 days if I do not produce the information within the next week. Claire would be absolutely mortified if she knew as she prides herself on being a "good girl." So.......I'm off to do damage control (except I called the doctors office and no one is there until tomorrow) and make sure my little girl does not find out her mommy is not so perfect after all. :)

And that's what's new around here. .............................

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