Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Long Weekend DIY Project

After seeing a chalkboard at Pottery Barn Kids that would've been absolutely perfect for Evan's bedroom I almost had a heartattack when I saw the price tag of $350+tax!!! Seriously? it should be made outta gold for that amount! Not to be deterred I went on line and realized that I could make this into a fun DIY project and save myself loads of $$ in the process.

Saturday morning, with family in tow, we headed over to the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. Evan actually was the first to spy this solid wood vintage mirror leaning in the corner. It fit the dimensions we were looking for perfectly........SOLD!

Did you know that you can use chalkboard paint on glass? Me neither!! It took most of a day as the coats of paint need to be applied thinly and in multiple layers. The end result?

A great addition to Evan's bedroom! And the cost? The whole project came in at around $50!! Now that's my kind of project!!

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