Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Pioneer in Me........

I'm sure everyone would've answered my question from yesterdays post if anyone actually READ my post. Lol.......I guess I will answer it for myself! I kinda like talking to myself anyways......nobody to disagree with me!
Yesterday was the almost-end of March Break. We had spent a very long (aka boring) week at home, knee deep in craft time, library books, mud, diapers, runny noses.......ok, I digress.......
I was so excited when I goggled our most favourite and sentimental place. A place, where nine years ago, Adam and I were married. We had always talked about taking the kids for a visit. To show them where we were married. Nine years have flown by though. Heck, I haven't even put our wedding photos in an album yet! My excuse? Still looking for the perfect album. Ok, NOT a very good excuse. Anyways, that's why I was so excited to take the kids to.............


I really think that maybe I should've been born 100 years ago. I totally LOVE the idea of simplicity, community, and work ethic that that era held. Simplier times with simplier values....sigh......I would've made a great pioneer woman!

This beautiful tin lantern is made on site. Very cool! They sell them in the pioneer gift shop but they don't come with a pioneer price tag and since bartering was not an option I sadly had to leave them behind.

Evan was keen to try his hand at baking cookies. He was shocked to learn that it takes up to 2 hours to get the fire the right temperature so the cookies won't burn.

Cookies baking in the fire.

Claire was most struck by the pioneer school, the "girl" and "boy" doors, chalk slates for writing, and the "dunce" cap that sat at the front of the room. When she asked where the bathroom was I obliged and showed her the outhouse in the back of the playrground. She has pretty much decided that she wants nothing to do with pioneer life. She's more of a New York City kinda gal!

Evan and Claire enjoying the sunshine at the old Mill

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