Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Fun!

Alec getting "brave" at cliff jumping........

Enjoying the cute!

Checking out "the goods" blogger to upload some pics from the summer. I don't know why I've been having such a hard time and I'm still not sure if it was a Blogger issue or our laptop that was causing the trouble. Anyhoo......I'm glad everything is working again and I can post some updated pics. We are having a fantastic summer and I'm truly enjoying spending time with the kids. We've had a blast celebrating Evan's 5th birthday at Great Wolf Lodge, visiting a local amusement theme park, swimming at the lake, and roasting the occasional weiner too! This week the "little" kids are off to summer day-camp while the "big" kid will be packing to head off for Camp Muskoka on Sunday. While I love having everyone together at home I also realize the value in letting them experience new things and grow without me guiding them. I seriously love picking Alec up from camp lookin' tanned and relaxed. Very cool! Can't wait until Claire and Evan are old enough for sleep-away camp.....they are going to love it!

Well, gotta run....literally! My walking buddy will be here any minute and I still need to hunt down some socks and my sneakers! Hope everyone is having a great time this summer! More pics from our landscaping project coming soon! I hope!

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