Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Guess What

Claire learned to do yesterday?

It was a bit long in coming but our baby has taken off her training wheels for the last time! She has found her freedom and is loving the wind in her hair. And me? I was a bit teary eyed to realize she is becoming such an independent (aka: not my little baby anymore) girl. Sigh....... Way to go Claire! You have learned so many new things this summer and we are so proud of you!


Not so ready to venture without the training wheels yet.....but totally cheering his big sister on!

and looking pretty cute while he's doing it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What I love about summer

When you see

their excitement


relaxed faces, sun-kissed skin

and that beautiful face......well, what's not to love about summer.....at the Sandbanks Provincial Park in Picton........................

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Post Continued................





Full of charm.............and a few dozen "friendly" spiders

Where we fished

Pondered the beauty of the lake

and caught Evan's first "shark"

and just relaxed.....as a family......all together......as it should be

Guess where we went

This was our accomodation........

These were our neighbours...........

More pics to come..................

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Renovations Are Fun!

The "before" shot of our walkway. I realized, after I started to look for pics, that I only have a handful of pictures that show the front step.....could it be thats because it's soooo ugly? This was the best one I could find and it still does not do it justice....does not show the crooked, uneven steps or the wood rot...........lol It does include a pic of Claire on the first day of kindergarten though, so it's all good, don't you think?

The finished result.............amazing, beautiful and more wonderful than I could've hoped for. The best part was that Adam and I didn't have to lift a shovel of dirt to make this happen.

A shot leading up to the front door. Please ignore the "not so great" door frame and door. We have ordered a new one from Pella Windows and it is due for install in about 2 weeks. This will complete the reno and hopefully provide better insulation during the colder months.

One last look...........This was early in the spring. Now the garden is lush and beautiful. Planted some great grass in front of the gas metre which completely hides it for 3 of 4 seasons.

Stay tuned........................lower level bathroom reno scheduled to begin this December.............this one we are doing ourselves as no bobcats are required. lol

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Fun!

Alec getting "brave" at cliff jumping........

Enjoying the lake.......so cute!

Checking out "the goods"

FINALLY.....got blogger to upload some pics from the summer. I don't know why I've been having such a hard time and I'm still not sure if it was a Blogger issue or our laptop that was causing the trouble. Anyhoo......I'm glad everything is working again and I can post some updated pics. We are having a fantastic summer and I'm truly enjoying spending time with the kids. We've had a blast celebrating Evan's 5th birthday at Great Wolf Lodge, visiting a local amusement theme park, swimming at the lake, and roasting the occasional weiner too! This week the "little" kids are off to summer day-camp while the "big" kid will be packing to head off for Camp Muskoka on Sunday. While I love having everyone together at home I also realize the value in letting them experience new things and grow without me guiding them. I seriously love picking Alec up from camp lookin' tanned and relaxed. Very cool! Can't wait until Claire and Evan are old enough for sleep-away camp.....they are going to love it!

Well, gotta run....literally! My walking buddy will be here any minute and I still need to hunt down some socks and my sneakers! Hope everyone is having a great time this summer! More pics from our landscaping project coming soon! I hope!