Monday, January 26, 2009

Another new adventure


Not totally keen on being dragged away from the warm house.....

Getting the hang of it and actually having some fun

Climbing a mountain of snow at Grandpa's house

We had a fun weekend away and keeping true to our committment of becoming a more active family we took the kids x-country skiing. It was freezing (like -22 with a wind chill of -33) but we didn't want to wimp out so we DID IT!!! Alec has skiied before and is quite good, depsite all the mumbling and grumbling associated with doing a "family acitivity." Claire and Evan did remarkably well. If it wasn't for the cold weather and some chilly fingers we probably would've stayed out a bit longer. We'll be back up in 2 weeks to spend Valentines Day weekend with my parents and hope to have another go again. We also discovered 3 outdoor skating rinks so we'll be adding that to the "to do" list again.
Until next time..........stay fit and stay active!

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