Monday, January 26, 2009

Another new adventure


Not totally keen on being dragged away from the warm house.....

Getting the hang of it and actually having some fun

Climbing a mountain of snow at Grandpa's house

We had a fun weekend away and keeping true to our committment of becoming a more active family we took the kids x-country skiing. It was freezing (like -22 with a wind chill of -33) but we didn't want to wimp out so we DID IT!!! Alec has skiied before and is quite good, depsite all the mumbling and grumbling associated with doing a "family acitivity." Claire and Evan did remarkably well. If it wasn't for the cold weather and some chilly fingers we probably would've stayed out a bit longer. We'll be back up in 2 weeks to spend Valentines Day weekend with my parents and hope to have another go again. We also discovered 3 outdoor skating rinks so we'll be adding that to the "to do" list again.
Until next time..........stay fit and stay active!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Little Bit of This and That..........

Today was Evan's 1st skating experience. We decided that we've been way (that's an understatement) too inactive as a family in the past couple of years. And believe me it's starting to show! Adam and I used to love to hike, skate, cross country ski and walk. That was before 3 kids, an old house that needed renovating, shuttling kids to different activities, working multiple jobs.....well you get the idea. We've decided to make a real effort to become a more active family together. So today we laced up and headed for the public skate at the local arena. It was Claire's 2nd time and Evan's 1st on skates. We talked alot before we left about how it's O.K. if you fall down......even for mommies!
Claire is fantastic at staying on her feet and is really starting to get the hang of it. I could actually see her confidence growing as we circled the ice. Evan was pretty nervous but by the end of our skate he was shuffling around the ice without any help!! Next weekend we are off to go cross country skiing (totally more my sport). I can't wait for the kids to experience the peacefulness of skiing through the forest. There's nothing like it!
Here's a few pics from our fun day.

"You want me to do what?"

No smiles but no tears....not bad

Getting a bit tired and wanting to head to the snack bar!!

Out like a light........yes, my son sleeps armed so the monsters can't sneak into his dreams

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Today is the Day

.........that our paperwork has been "logged-in" to CCAA for exactly 12 months....1 year.....365 get the idea. A VERY LONG TIME!! When we began the process we were told that we'd be seeing our new daughter's face in 12-14 months time. It hasn't worked out out that way and you can scroll through older posts to read my ramblings on why that is. I'm guessing (not very scientifically) that we have another 20 months to wait. And so as the New Year rolls 'round I'm keeping busy organizing, painting and working with the children in the daycare. Projects tend to keep my mind off of the calendar (and rumour queen). Here's to a busy year.....come on 2010!

Dear Lauren,
Sweet babe, it's taking a long time, I know. Claire, Evan and Alec talk about you every day. Evan insists we take you to Disneyworld after we get home from China. I explained that you might be a bit young for the rides but he insists that he'll hold your hand.
Claire and I have been busy painting a beautiful garden princess room that you will both share when you come home. I hope you like pink!! We are also picking out a pretty chandelier that will look great and lots of other "girly" touches! Claire can't wait to teach you everything!! Alec is also excited (maybe not about the length of the plane ride) but to see everything in your beautiful country. We were looking at pictures of the Great Wall the other day and the kids can't wait to climb it!
You are in my heart and thoughts every day.