Friday, October 31, 2008


Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful Halloween full of tricks and treats!!! Here's a couple of pics of our little gouls from today............

Happy Halloween!

Ready for the big night

Claire at her school parade this morning.........

The royal wave..........

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to my 12 Year Old!!

Wow! Where did the time go? I know everyone says that....but it's really true! Who'd a thought! My little guy, who isn't so little.....he is taller than me and wears a size 11 mens growing into a wonderful young man. We are so proud of him! Happy Birthday Alec! Enjoy your new desktop deserve it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Friday, October 17, 2008

Future Iron Chef!!!

Some days it's difficult to find time to spend individually with each of the three kids over the course of a day or week. It makes it even harder when Monday to Friday are "Daycare Days" and my attentions are being divided 7 different ways. I often feel that "I owe" my attention to the children that pay actual $ to come every day. Often it's my own kids that are asked to help...... Since Claire is in school Tuesday and Thursday's, I've been setting aside 2 hours in the afternoon (when the other children are asleep and just Evan is up) to spend some quality time with my little guy. Lately he's been helping me in the kitchen! Baking muffins for snack is a "chore"that has to be accomplished but at the same time I've been trying to make it "fun time" with lots of love, laughter and a fair bit of craziness thrown in. Evan definately has the craziness part down pat!
Enjoy the pics.......

My little mixer!!

The whole time he wanted to know when he could lick the spoon!

Getting a better perspective on the situation ........please ignore the store bought muffin mix

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday it o.k. just to be thankful that it is Thursday?

By Thursday:
The house is a mess
The floors need washing
The daycare kids and my own kids are getting tired of each other
I feel like cheating on my diet!....oops....did that one already today
I'm sick of constantly cooking/washing dishes/making snacks/washing more dishes
The laundry has reached epic proportions
The windows are a splattering of little finger prints and some smudges of unidentifiable origins

So, YES I'm totally thankful that it's Thursday and one step closer to the weekend.....when I can get caught up on my laundry, floor washing, window cleaning..............and oh yay..........washing dishes!!!!

Enjoy your day...........may it be "chore free."