Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Grade 8 Graduation....

This post is a little late coming but it seemed like the last week of school for the kids was just jam packed with activities and the usual excitement that leads up to summer vacation. The highlight of the week was Claire's graduation. It's been a few years (like 9) since we had a Grade 8 grad in our midst and our school pulls out all the stops to celebrate their student population...dinner at the country club is pretty swanky for a room full of 13 year olds. :)

This event was made extra special as Claire was class valedictorian. She, along with her male counterpart, delivered a heart felt address to their classmates. They did an amazing job and were so well spoken. It was definately a proud mommy and daddy moment.

Claire was also the recipent of many awards. The highest achievement being the Principals Award for Leadership which is awarded to the overall student achiever in a particular year. She also walked away with the English Award, History Award, Academic Achievement Award, and student Honor Roll.It was nice to see all her hard work and dedication over the last few years rewarded. Her teachers had such sweet things to say about Claire and she will truly be missed in the school community. We are so proud of you Claire-Bear!  You deserve all the success you have had and can't wait to see what you accomplish in High School.

A beautiful daughter on her special evening

In 2 more years we will be here for Evan's grad!

A proud Mom and Dad moment

All my kiddies in one spot makes me happy

All that hard work paid off

Way to Go Claire!