Thursday, May 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Dad! 80 Years Looks Good On You!!

Last weekend we loaded up the car with 3 kids, our regular pile of clothing, stuffies, pillows, and enough shoes to keep even the pickiest pre-teen and her little "diva" sister happy.  We also packed up 6 racks of ribs, 12 chicken breasts, 2 jumbo pies, 2 tubs of potato salad, enough fixings for ceasar salad, a veggie tray, a fruit platter, 36 homemade chocolate chip cookies, 3 bottles of wine, 5 containers of lemonade (plus a lemonade dispenser), an an assortment of cutlery, helium ballons, plates, platters, napkins, candles, streamers and presents.

Sounds like a typical day around here?

Well, this was no typical road trip up to Muskoka.  We were all geared up to celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday.   The weather was poised to be rainy (but thankfully it held off till after dinner) but that didn't dampen our plans at all. We even managed to keep it a surprise until about an hour before guests began to arrive. Adam and I handled the majority of the cooking and prep but there was no shortage of offers of help from friends and family.  In the end the day was just how I hoped it would be......relaxed, fun, and full of well wishes for my Dad.  And what could be better than that?

Dinner is served............

On your 80th you get to have whatever your favourite cake is....even if you are diabetic!

I had this cool printable it!

Adam cooked up a feast...despite the 30+ degree heat

The weather cooperated and everyone relaxed outside

Friends and family.......Aunt Peggy still rocks it!

Avery made some new friends and meet some Great Aunts and Uncles see hadn't seen before

Cutting the cake!  Avery helped Grandpa blow out the candles

A little cuddle with Grandpa before heading home from a great weekend

Grandpa and his girls!