Monday, March 24, 2014

Can I Hear A Yippee?

The laptop as arrived! Actually it's been here for a little bit but it has taken me until this weekend to sit down and check out the new photo program that it came with.....Photo Director 3.  It is rather overwelming but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon enough.

This past weekend we scooped up the kids (sans Alec who stayed with Willow) and headed to Toronto to check out the new Ripley's Aquarium.  To make it even more of a special treat I booked us into the Westin Harbourfront Castle for the night.  My treat was wandering the streets, eating in restuarants and unlimited Starbucks opportunities. Sigh...........

Here are a few pictures from the weekend.  It was so hard to capture Avery! She is a girl on the move lately and I seriously had to run to keep up with her.  So if my pics are a bit out of focus you know why! :)

Exploring Union Station

The kids were so excited to arrive at the aquarium

Rainbow Reef was the highlight of the day....check out those chompers!

Claire was saying: Oh No! My family has been eaten by jellyfish!  

Avery fell in love with turtles this weekend so we stopped at Allen's Garden on the way home to admire the flowers and check out these little fellas.  She was in love!

Speaking of love............these two were feeling the brother\sister love this nice!

After chasing Miss Avery around to get a picture I caught her and perched her up on a little ledge by the flowers. Here she is plotting her escape. What a busy little gal she is these days!