Friday, January 3, 2014

Working Through My New Years Resolutions............

For the one or two people that I know check in on me through my blog.....YES.....I'm still here. 

I think that 2013 was probably the worst blogging year of my life.  Due in part to 2 computers that have either died or are about to die.  I've been unable to take any photos of my camera in months........out of memory on the laptop and that "thingy' on the side of the laptop that connects the cord from the camera to the laptop stopped working a few months back.  There is a very complicated way to get the pictures off the camera that involves putting them onto an external harddrive and then uploading them into the laptop.......but then I'm back to the old problem of not enough memory and everytime I want to put a picture on I need to delete something else.  And this girl has way better things to do with her time than fiddle around with all of this garbage!  Luckily this girl is married to a very patient man who helped her out and was able to get a few pics on. 

I made it a Resolution to get those onto the blog before the inevitable "black screen of death" occurs......which with my luck will be any minute.

The computer issue was not the only reason I've been  MIA.  Just before Halloween I was asked (or was arm-twisted :) ) into baking cookies for a corporate Halloween Party.  I am well known for my Gingerbread Boys and Shortbread that I make every Christmas but I had never really mastered sugar cookies.....sure I can bake them but have them look good?......well, not really.  Always up for a challenge though I decided to give it a go.  Well, I guess my first attempt was ok because before I knew it I had business cards and was taking orders. I did 2 parties before Christmas (one was for over 500 cookies), participated in a Holiday Show, and took a few private orders.  All in all my little kitchen produced over 1000 cookies in the weeks leading up to Christmas!  Adam was very supportive and became Mr. Mom allowing me hours and hours on the weekend and in the evenings to bake.  Will I do it all next year? Hmmmm......ask me around July!

So between cookies, working 11 hour days in my daycare, the holidays, Avery's first birthday, Claire's 10th birthday and regular "life stuff" I can say that the end of 2013 kicked my butt! To top it off Adam became quite busy with Real Estate leading up to the final few weeks and we juggled showings and meetings inbetween all of this other stuff. Thank goodness Claire and Evan were always willing to jump in to entertain Miss Avery or run and fetch things I needed......priceless!

Anyways, that is my confession as to why I have been absent from writing.  The good news is that a new computer will be gracing our home in a few more weeks and I should be back up and running again. I am looking forward to settling in for a few "quiet" family months.....heck, I might even read a book!!

Without further waiting, here are a few pictures from the past couple of months......and here is to a better blogging year in 2014.........I made it my Resolution!!!

Enjoying a morning at McPherson Tree Farm.....Claire fell in love with this little guy but was outvoted by the rest of the troops.............................

Avery loving a ride in her carrier despite a horrible cold (and pink eye.....gotta love daycare) that would later require antibiodics to get rid of

Alec's work schedule didn't allow him to join us this year and the privledge of cutting down the tree has moved to the next strong fella of the family.  Great job Evan!

Cookies for a 4 year olds Fireman Themed Party

My first "official" order of cookies for a Halloween Party

Claire designed these cookies for her birthday party and I was happy to decorate them for her!

Apparently cookies on a stick taste even better....I should have made more!

My first Holiday Sale/Show......Claire was awesome......and we had our picture in 2 newspapers!

I went on to make almost 1000 of these little guys before the holidays were over!

A no post would be complete without a few birthday pictures as our little gal turned 1 years old on November 12th!

This girl has a GOOD appetite......she was all about the cake!


And it wasn't long before the cake was all over her......LOVE YOU BABY GIRL......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!