Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween......

I was determined to be super organized this year when it came to Halloween night. 

Claire always has these elaborate and very specific ideas about what she wants to be every year.  It almost always means that I have to order her costume from Etsy at about the end of August so that I'll be garunteed to have it here by the big night.  This year she wanted to be an angel with beautiful fluffy wings.  I'm sure I could've pulled this one off without any outside help but with juggling work and the baby sometimes it's just easier to leave it to the experts......if you know what I mean!

Evan is actually super easy every year........something grusome and scary is usually on his list and a quick trip to the local costume store works perfectly.

Avery wanted to be just like her big sister and I was happy to oblige. 

Beyond organizing the costumes I wanted to be "ahead of the game" when it came to the night itself.  The forcast was calling for rain....rain.....and some more rain!  Adam and I planned a quickie dinner that we fed to the kids right after the last daycare child left for the night.  That allowed me enough time to clean up the dishes, pick up the livingroom and make sure the kids weren't rushed while they were getting ready.  Unfortunately our front door looks straight through to the kitchen so there is no hiding mess behind a wall......and I would simply go crazy if I thought people (even if they are strangers) saw my messy kitchen! Crazy eh? Yep....that's my OCD shining through.  :)

So.....did all my planning work out?  Sure was clean, pictures were taken and we were out the door by 6pm to trick or treat.  Kids came home happy and excited to count their "loot."

Here are a few pictures from their fun night!

Our "Little Angel" who will be turning 1 in just 11 more days.....sigh

Avery is harder to hold onto than she looks!!

The "Soul Taker" joined the "Angels"

Evan strikes his pose!

Ready to head out!  Avery collected treats for her biggest brother who had to work!