Thursday, May 23, 2013

Victoria Day Weekend Fun!

We had a wonderful weekend filled with friends, hiking, trips to our favourite bookstore........and even watched while Claire and Evan took their first polar bear dip of the season!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The AFTER Pics.......

Have I ever mentioned how awesome Adam is!

He took an old, bare-bones laundry room (think uneven concrete floors and cement block walls) and turned it into this.................complete with heated floors!!  And now I have my own little oasis and spa tucked away from the children.  Thanks honey for all your hard work!!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Do Two Posts In One Night......

make up for two months without posting?  Sure hope so!!  As a continuation of my last post I am happy to report that I am done jiggling Avery on my lap and she is finally asleep in her crib for the night.....or at least the next couple of hours.  And although I should probably be getting to bed myself I just felt like I needed some "grown up" time doing something I enjoy.....not that I don't enjoy drool, poop, crying, homework, cooking, cleaning, dog walking, and driving assorted children everywhere......just saying!

Having Avery enter our family has morphed us from being a busy household to a crazy busy household times ten!  Some of the things I've learned over the last few months are:
1.  There is never enough sleep....I mean NEVER!
2.  It is possible to breastfeed a baby in 5 minute intervals throughout the day between serving snacks, teaching colours to toddlers and wiping runny noses.
3. Babies are much more adaptable than we give them credit for......thank goodness Avery is one laid back little lady!
4. It is possible to do 5 loads of laundry a helps if you flip the last load at the 3am feeding.
5. Adding a puppy to the family when you have a newborn and work full time may not have been the smartest decision but I still wouldn't change a thing.....LOVE you Willow!!
6. Menu planning is a godsend!!  And the kids are happy to be eating something besides chicken fingers.
7. Teenagers can rise to the challenge and accept responsibilities quite well if given the opportunity.
8. I've started thinking about retirement alot more seriously.....and then I realized that we'll be retired and Avery will only be 10!!
9. I'll always feel disappointed that we didn't finish our adoption but yet I feel our family is now complete. It is a relief that the stress of waiting and wondering for the last 6 years has lifted.


10. I like crazy busy households full of kids, noise, and the occasional pitter patter of muddy paw prints across my kitchen floor. I like holding my daughter at 3 a.m.  as she snuggles with me holding my finger with her little hand.  I like being home with my children, being the first to hear about their day. I like feeling that the hard work I do makes our house feel like a home. I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, here are a few "catch up" pictures from the last couple months. We have a busy summer planned and I can't wait for it all!

Just a regular day in the life of Avery....always happy and smiling

Easter Weekend at Chappell Farms

Running on the hay bales rock!

For the longest time Willow thought this was her dog house. 

Avery about to try her first real meal!

What a face!

Multiple uses for Avery's Bumbo and one too many snowy days with nothing to do!

Never to out done by his sister....Evan strikes a pose!

A Chub-a-lish-ish Baby

 Avery ~ 4 months

5 Months

My computer has recovered from its black-screen-of-death thanks to my computer savy brother in law.  I realized that I've been way behind on updating Avery's pics. I'll post more in depth shortly as I'm currently typing with one finger while I jiggle a little one on my lap.  Until then.....enjoy the cuteness!