Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Level 2......Take 2

Back for another try at Level 2 - and very determined!!

Deep water!

Fearless this time.....must've been from his experience cliff jumping at Grandma's this summer

Got the back float mastered this time around too

I have a VERY good feeling that Evan will be earning his Level 2 badge this time.  Way to go Evan!!  You are working so hard.....and it shows!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pregnancy Update

Well, I had my last appointment with my family doctor yesterday.  On the 16th of the month I'll be switching over to an OBGYN who is in Newmarket, which should make life a little more convenient.  I showed my mysterious itchy foot (and sometimes entire leg) rash to my doctor who didn't feel too concerned that it was anything more than a pregnancy related rash (quite possibly PUPP).  There is a more serious condition where a rash can be a result of the mothers liver not functioning 100% and not removing her bile and the babies bile efficiently enough.  This is quite a serious condition with some pretty scary consequences if left undetected.  But, she didn't feel like I needed to be concerned so I will follow up with my new doctor just to put my mind at ease.

I did find out though that at the moment I have Partial Placenta Previa.....which is a condition that results in the cervix being partially blocked by the placenta making natural delivery not an option.  There is also an increased risk of hemmoraging and premature birth.  In many cases the issue will resolve itself as the uterus expands and pushes the placenta out of the way.  It does mean that I'll be going back in for additional ultrasounds to closely monitor the situation.  Many women are placed on pelvic rest and quite often complete bed rest once they are diagnosed.  My doctor didn't mention anything specifically but I think I'll take it easy for the next few weeks until a full diagnosis comes in.  Don't want to do anything to risk the health of my little jelly bean!!
So aside from that drama I actually feel pretty good.........actually better than I figured I would when we first embarked on this adventure.  I'm having fun shopping for little Avery and creating a cozy nest for her to come home to!!  We can't wait!!!

On a slightly different note, we received our Ontario Social Services Homestudy Update a few days ago.  Basically it means we are approved to stay in the "adoption line" for China for 2 more years. 

I can't imagine how much grey hair I'll have by then.....lol