Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The new face of Gap Kids.....maybe?

First off let me just say that my kids are somewhat addicted to entering contests....lego, monster high, disney, gogo's......you name it.....if it's a contest and they see the ad for it on tv or the internet they want to enter. In fact Claire entered one just a few days ago on the disney site. The prize you may wonder? Dozens of Disney Tangled dolls!! The kicker is that Claire hasn't played with anything Disney in years.......go figure!

Well, Gap usually runs a Casting Call contest every year or so to look for new faces for their marketting campaign. Up till now it's only been open to US residents but Claire was super excited to see that this year you can enter from Canada as well.

So armed with my basic photography skills we headed outside after our Easter fun on Sunday to take a few pics. I must admit the competition is pretty stiff. Only 5 girls in her division are chosen to fly to New York for a professional photoshoot. Then the competition will be open to public voting. So cross your fingers and toes.....cause this little gal REALLY wants to win!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hoppy Easter Everyone

I was awoken at 4:30 this morning with inquiries of "is it time to get up yet?" I tucked E in bed with me and managed to hold him off until about 6:30 when he ran back upstairs to "just see what his sister was doing." Well, Claire was up dressed and ready to roll!! A quick knock on Alec's door and we were ready for some bunny fun!!

Checkin' out the hiding spots in the playfort. The eggs for the outdoor hunt contained either money or chocolate inside so the stakes were high!!

What fun would it be if you couldn't make your teenager work a little extra hard for his bounty?

Evan was determined and still hunting after everyone else had headed back in to warm up! What a trooper.....and "yes" he was rewarded with a few extra ones that had been overlooked.

Have a wonderful day filled with family......now, I'm off to catch a nap.....4:30 was way to early for this gal!