Thursday, July 15, 2010

An Orphans Wish

Hi Everyone.......I just wanted to let friends know that I have been busily volunteering with a fantastic organization called An Orphans Wish. This is an amazing group thaty provides life changing medical and residential care to some really inspirational kids! I encourage everyone to take a peek and follow the link on my sidebar, and head on over to see for yourself! They are currently in the midst of a sponsorship drive. The goal is to find 100 new sponsors in the next 100 days. Our family will be sponsoring a child and I encourage you to consider doing the same. Thanks........................

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Guilty Conscience and a Troublesome Laptop

Hi! Just to let everyone know that we have not dropped off the face of the Earth! It's been super busy here with landscaping projects, attending Alec's graduation and seeing him off to California. We've spent a nice weekend in Muskoka with Mom and Dad and are gearing up for a vacation (to celebrate Evan's 5th B-Day) at Great Wolf Lodge.

I'd post all the pics of our adventures but it seems that either Blogger or the laptop are not allowing me to upload pictures. as soon as I figure it out I'll post a "catch up" post!