Well, I guess I have not started off the New Year in a very good blogger style. To be honest life has been very busy but not alot of exciting "photo" opportunities and I have been struggling to find the time and energy to document family life lately.
So I will do my best to make this a "catch up" post and fill everyone in on what has been going on around here.
To my utter disbelief, Avery is heading to school this Fall. I am not sure where the time has gone but somehow my little snugglebug has turned into a kid! We all agree that she is amazing and has great things in store for her next step in life. I have been busy this year preparing her academically and socially for the big transition. Some of her major accomplishment include: knowing all her shapes, colours, telling (simple) time, number recognition to 20, counting to 30....and my personal favourite READING! Yep, we got bored part way through the year and a teacher friend gave my a copy of 30 sight words that need to be mastered by grade 1. We officially have 10 more to master and then my little 3 year old will be ready for grade 1...lol I just ordered 2 sets of early reader books for her and they are due to arrive today. It will be exciting to see her put all the words into sentences and see how they connect to make a story. My heart is always so close to reading and it makes me extra proud when my kiddies master this skill.
Last week we attended kindergarten orientation. I'm not sure what she was more excited about....going to school or having me take a day off work to spend with her. As we were walking towards the big school she quietly took my hand in hers and whispered "mom, I don't think I am big enough to go to school afterall". After a few minutes though she was lovin' school and excited to explore all the classroom has to offer. Way to go Avery....we are so proud of you!

In other news, Claire and Evan are winding down their school year and getting excited for summer vacation! Claire will be assisting me with daycare again this summer and Evan will also be working for me a little bit here and there. We have a couple of older school aged boys attending and Evan will be helpful in that department. They have both had amazing years at school...top grades....lots of school participation and overall a great attitude towards their learning. I still am wrapping my head around Claire graduating next year.....she is already excited about shopping for a graduation dress!
Alec has finished off his first year in college and is really enjoying his studies. Police Foundations is a 2 year program but he is planning on transitioning into the University program after his second year...which means another 2 years of school....for a total of 4! We are so proud of how well he has adjusted to living on his own, making his own meals, balancing his school and social life and taking responsibility for his education. YAY!
Adam and I continue to be busy....as usual. Adam is very busy with real estate this year (which is great!) and I am continuing to push through my University program with McMaster. I am on my 4th course at the moment (Organizational Behaviour) and officially at the mid-point! I was hoping to head back to work in January but the reality is that I won't be finished by diploma program until late Spring. I will most likely start applying in Janaury and see what opportunities exist....I would like to be picky as I am not in a rush and would love to work for an organization that places a value on balancing family and work. Fingers crossed!
Adam and I are both celebrating birthdays and we had our 14th wedding anniversary in April. We are very thankful to celebrate all the adventures, challenges and laughter we have shared. Love you Adam!
My Dad also celebtrated his 81st birthday in May. My parents are both doing great and love to see their grandkiddies whenever we can find the time to sneak up to Muskoka for a weekend.

And finally, summer would not be complete without a project to work on. Ever since we gave up our master bedroom to make room for all our kiddies we have lived downstairs. We actually love it, we have our own beautiful bathroom (thanks honey), office space, and cosy second livingroom. The only part I really disliked was the drop ceiling. Originally it was a necessity as we were still in the process of wiring other areas of the house and required access to run cable etc. But now that we are all finished with that I decided that I would be a much happier wife with those ugly tiles gone! So, thanks to Pinterest and my infatuation with a certain HGTV showed called Fixer Upper, we are installing a pine shiplap ceiling which I plan on staining a warm "early american" colour. I think it's going to be beautiful....we are also updating lighting, and doing a few other little tweaks. So, right now it's a bit of a mess....but I am a happy girl and will post the "after" picture when we are done.